This treatment lasted 6 days, and lately, the stench has become increasingly worse. However, after the scale showed only 66Kg last night, the treatment is being discontinued regardless. Even though I would have liked to continue, since black stuff, likely still the fungus Candida Albicans, which possibly also triggers the stench, kept coming out of… Continue reading Immune System
Month: November 2023
It’s Shedding
Yesterday evening, starting the next intestinal cleanse, had headaches from the morning, which faded by late afternoon. Surprisingly: Right on the first day, proper bowel movement/diarrhea and the biofilm is just shedding away. No idea how normal this is, but I’ve never experienced it like this in the past! It seems as if the microorganisms… Continue reading It’s Shedding
Today, I struggled with headaches throughout the day, but only when they started to improve towards the evening, could I associate them with the increasingly stronger flatulence: Dying fungus / Die-Off! Such symptoms haven’t really occurred lately, although I was quite aware of its dying, especially because of the smells. I have no idea how… Continue reading Die-Off
Cleaning the Intestinal Wall
Some things have happened again, and I’m only now getting around to documenting them: After I had finished the last treatment I wrote about, I went to a reunion and for the first time in years, I truly turned the night into day, dancing till the end! The following Friday, I started the next treatment… Continue reading Cleaning the Intestinal Wall