The Problem with Biofilm

The biofilm in the intestine is likely the cause of many health issues in our time. An unhealthy diet, especially one with fast food and processed products that contain little fiber but a lot of refined sugar, promotes the formation of harmful biofilms. What is a Biofilm? A community of microorganisms within a layer of… Continue reading The Problem with Biofilm


It’s been three weeks since my last entry, and the bloating remains consistently strong. My weight is between 70 and 71Kg, moderate die-off symptoms come and go, I’m feeling good! In terms of pills, I’m only taking undecylenic acid in significantly reduced amounts now, to make it last as long as possible. Otherwise, it’s mainly… Continue reading “Clearing”

Immune System

This treatment lasted 6 days, and lately, the stench has become increasingly worse. However, after the scale showed only 66Kg last night, the treatment is being discontinued regardless. Even though I would have liked to continue, since black stuff, likely still the fungus Candida Albicans, which possibly also triggers the stench, kept coming out of… Continue reading Immune System

Hello World

Starting a blog is not difficult initially, you just have to take the time for it and start writing. I’ve been thinking about starting one for a while now because I have something to say. But somehow, most of the people I talk to don’t really want to hear my stories; illnesses are not exactly… Continue reading Hello World