Hello World

Starting a blog is not difficult initially, you just have to take the time for it and start writing.

I’ve been thinking about starting one for a while now because I have something to say. But somehow, most of the people I talk to don’t really want to hear my stories; illnesses are not exactly a sexy topic.

In the past, I thought that probably no one would be interested in this on the internet either, but when I started my research about 2 years ago, this opinion changed piece by piece. Therefore, I will start this blog by writing about my illnesses; I am not the first one to do so.

Actually, I am doing well.

When I was diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) 20 years ago and shortly afterwards lost half of my visual acuity, it was initially not necessarily to be expected. But I have come to terms with the situation, took the medication, and also tried to support my body as best as possible.

Then, about 3 years ago, I was obsessed with fitness. The Apple Watch I bought the previous autumn motivated me to start jogging again and to work diligently towards the goal of running a half marathon.

Suddenly it was too much. My body suddenly couldn’t cope anymore, especially my intestines. Suddenly I had something like irritable bowel syndrome, couldn’t sleep anymore, and had abdominal pain.

Then came the migraines!

I didn’t know for a long time that it was migraines, and I always thought it was a gastrointestinal infection. When I felt something similar coming on the next time, I tried a migraine tablet from my wife, and it actually helped.

But I had these gastrointestinal infections much longer, albeit maybe only once a year.

Somehow, this was one of many awakening moments in my life, another was almost 20 years ago when I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. That was quite a shock, which massively changed my view of the world and life.

And so here as well, although I could only guess a little bit. Now I needed information about what is actually going on in this body.

Fortunately, my family doctor was fully on my side. So a colonoscopy should provide information about the situation in the abdomen. To not notice anything, I was put to sleep via infusion and trusted the doctors. Unfortunately, the examination did not reveal anything, but it left an infection at the injection site; great, antibiotics 🙁


Only the microbiological stool examination (Kyber test) then provided a very clear picture: Enterococci and lactobacilli were hardly detectable anymore, and the bacterioides were also below the target range. In contrast, significantly increased amounts of Klebsiella and Enterobacteriaceae germs were detected. The yeast Candida Albicans was also classified as significantly increased, as was the pH value of the stool (8.0).

Das Mikrobiom vom Mai 2021 zeigt deutlich die schlechte Situation in meiner Darmflora

These values didn’t mean much to me at first, but since they were graphically represented and commented on in the findings, it was clear that the situation was bad. Especially the missing enterococci, which belong to the so-called “immunomodulatory microbiota,” caught my attention! Could there be a connection with the MS?

Connection with MS

As I later realized, this connection is indeed undeniable. The enterococci produce propionic acid in the intestine, a short-chain fatty acid needed by the immune system to produce so-called “suppressive T-cells.” These are needed to dampen the reactions of the immune system. A lack of these suppressive cells can trigger all sorts of autoimmune diseases.

This fact is well known in relation to MS, which is why many patients take propionic acid in tablet form, including myself since then! In the meantime, I have also stopped injecting myself daily with Copaxone, and I feel good about it.

Nystatin & Candida

But I’m getting ahead of myself. The report recommended bacterial preparations to restore the missing bacteria and Nystatin tablets to combat the Candida fungus. Nystatin is a substance that is quite toxic to Candida. However, it cannot penetrate the intestinal wall, which is why it is largely harmless to humans. Supposedly, it should be possible to get rid of Candida in the intestines within 2 weeks.

So I didn’t think much of it and took it for 4 weeks at double the dosage. When I then stopped taking it, I had another migraine attack after a few days, stronger than before. So I continued with Nystatin, but regardless of how long or at what dosage I took it, the situation did not improve but worsened.

Natural Supplements & Diet

Therefore, I started to rely on more (natural) supplements. Starting with one consisting of myrrh, chamomile, and coffee charcoal, then MCT/coconut oil, grapefruit seed extract, oregano oil. Pomegranate, Pau D’Arco, nasturtium, horseradish & cinnamon.

In December, I started practicing a Candida diet. I would say that this was probably the most effective therapy so far, but it was not nearly enough even though I learned to follow it very strictly. Some sources claimed that rye and whole grain bread would work, but for me, it led to massive problems. However, I tolerated bread made from chickpeas or buckwheat. The information for Candida patients worked for me.

Nevertheless, it required more effective medications, and then I came across enzyme supplements. For a while, I spent a lot of money on Candidase, a mixture of cellulase and protease. There were some successes, but they were not nearly sufficient for me, so I continued to research and came across biofilm.


This explained why this fungus could protect itself so well from all the supposedly effective substances. Apparently, there is a biofilm in the intestine, probably mainly produced by these bad germs (Klebsiella and Enterobacteriaceae), which provides them with protection. Candida seems to take advantage of this.

Further research then revealed that the biofilm can be attacked with colostrum (first milk). Even better is lactoferrin, which is a component of colostrum.

But even though I could achieve improvements with this, a cure was still not in sight; it was at best a fragile balance, with the cost of all the remedies adding up. So I continued to research and tried other remedies, such as undecylenic acid, probably the most effective fatty acid against Candida.

Intestinal Cleanse

Until I came across an intestinal cleanse in the summer of 2022 that removes the biofilm. For this, a mixture of okra powder and fermented palm bark fibers is used. The bark fibers allow the mixture to penetrate the biofilm, while the okra powder absorbs large amounts of water and swells the biofilm, making it heavy. This means that it can no longer adhere to the intestinal wall and is excreted.

When I read this, I knew I had found the right thing, bought a 4-day cleanse for €200, and waited for my summer vacation to do it in peace.

Those 4 days in Holland by the North Sea were another profound experience. For the first time, I really felt better! I was sure I had found the solution to my Candida overgrowth. However, 4 days of intestinal cleanse also meant 4 days without food.

Hunger was not the problem, rather my underweight. I have always been light, but since this whole thing, I had lost a lot of weight. And this 4-day cleanse was not the end of it: in 2022, 9 more days of cleansing were to be carried out. Then I thought I was healed, kept the diet strict for a few more weeks, and on New Year’s Eve, I drank a little alcohol for the first time again.

Return of Migraine

I cautiously reintroduced normal food, but probably not cautiously enough. At the end of February, the migraine returned along with odorless, strong flatulence, and I knew who was making a comeback. The war is not yet over, but I have learned a lot. Means and ways to bring the enemy to its knees are available.

I just completed the second 3-day cure of this year and, in addition to Candidase and Lactoferrin, ordered the third one today. I will try to keep everyone interested updated here.

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